ActiveReports 11
ActiveReports 11 > ActiveReports User Guide > Samples and Walkthroughs > Walkthroughs > Page Report/RDL Report Walkthroughs > Layout

This section contains the following walkthroughs that fall under the Layout category.

BandedList Reports
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a grouped BandedList report.
Collate Multiple Copies of a Report
This walkthrough demonstrates how to use the collation feature in a report that contains layouts on two page tabs.
Columnar Layout Reports (RDL)
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a RDL report using columns.
Overflow Data in a Single Page(Page Report)
This walkthrough demonstrates how to use the OverflowPlaceHolder controls at any location on the same page to build a rich report layout.
Overflow Data in Multiple Pages(Page Report)
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create two different layouts using the OverflowPlaceHolder control.
Recursive Hierarchy Reports
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a report using a recursive hierarchy and the Level function to show parent-child relationships in data.
Single Layout Reports
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a layout at design time on a single page tab and apply it to the entire report.
Subreports in RDL Reports
This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a report using a subreport.
See Also